Pacer Dave S.


Lutz, FL


Current P.R.


Where were you born?

Brooklyn, NY


Number of marathons



Dec 17


Favorite marathon


Typical pace

3:30 – 3:45


Favorite running music

(Rock with pizzazz)– Born to Run, Proud Mary etc




Favorite running food

Those gooey gu pellets

Any hobbies?

Besides running-travel/hiking


Who do you train with?

Randy P for speed, Andy Mathews for miles

Favorite book, what are you reading now?

Real Miracles, The Shack


A quotation you like…

If you want to stay alive remember to breathe

Personal goals

Go back to track and race some






Why do you run?


It’s the time I am alone with my thoughts and my brain function seems elevated. I wait for this time in the day to develop creative solutions and solve problems     


Describe your best marathon memory.


Tampa Hops Marathon 2000:  I related to this marathon a few days later on a horrible flight to Phoenix.  I wrote a story about it on the plane and it got published in Marathon and Beyond. 


Why do you pace?


It is a good way to give back to the sport that has helped me be healthier  


Tell us your best pacing experience.


Trying to help my buddy Andy qualify for Boston, I told him every good and bad joke I know to keep him forgetting how miserable he felt.  Did not work, but it cemented a life long friendship.  And he did make Boston the next try.


Why should someone run in your pace group?


Because I am fun to run with, and will motivate my group.


Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Remember training is more then just getting your body ready. It’s getting your mind ready.  On race day you now know you did what you had to do, so relax and just make it happen with the confidence you earned.


Anything else you’d like to share?

Don’t do anything you did not try in training on race day- and learn from your dog


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