Pacer David K 


North Branch, MI


Current P.R.


Where were you born?

Detroit, MI


Number of marathons



5/5 (Cinco de Mayo!)


Favorite marathon

Boston.  Just because it’s Boston.

Typical pace



Favorite running music

I don't listen to music while running since I want to hear any approaching cars or dogs that may be coming up behind me.


Production scheduler


Favorite running food

I use Vanilla GU while running, but otherwise bananas and bagels are good pre- or post-race foods.

Any hobbies?

Besides running, I enjoy golf, bowling & reading.


Who do you train with?

Normally by myself, but I also occasionally run with a couple of co-workers during lunch and a friend on the weekends.  I live in a rural area and I can typically be done with my run by the time it takes me to drive to where any running groups join up.

Favorite book, what are you reading now?

Anything by Nelson DeMille


A quotation you like…

My sport is the one that yours uses as punishment

Personal goals

Continue my current 5 consecutive year Boston streak.  Bowl a 300 game.  Shoot under par in golf.






Why do you run?


I started in order to be in shape to keep up with my children.  I keep motivated to avoid regaining the 20 pounds I lost and to stay competitive in the races I enter.


Describe your best marathon memory.


My first Boston qualifier time in Detroit and my first Boston are equally memorable.  It took 7 tries to get the qualifier so it was a very sweet accomplishment.


Why do you pace?


I'm always looking for something to motivate me to keep my training consistent, and pacing does the job.  Also, it’s rewarding to give back something to the sport I love and hopefully help others achieve their running goals.


Tell us your best pacing experience.


Probably my very first "official" pacing experience, where I finished in 3:44:58, or within two seconds of my 3:45 goal time.


Why should someone run in your pace group?


I have a knack for maintaining a super steady pace, even without a Garmin.  Somehow I can tell if I'm just a few seconds off the pace I have set.  Plus I have lots of marathon experience I'm willing to share with anyone who'd like to listen during the 26.2 miles we're together.


Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Going too fast in the first couple of miles can ruin the race, so it’s better to be conservative and make up any lost time over the course of the remaining miles.  It’s also better to run with consistent effort, so study the course and plan to lose a few seconds off the pace on the uphills, but make it back up on the downhills.  And have fun!   


Anything else you’d like to share?

Marathons are a challenge and you never know if it will be a good day or not.  Even though your training may have went well, other factors such as the weather play an important part in your success on any particular day.  Don't lose hope if things don't go well since there are always other races in which to redeem yourself.  In most cases it will take a serious amount of effort and mental toughness to push yourself through the tough stretches to achieve your PR or goal.  As a pacer, I'm here to help you.


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