Pacer Jessica


Where are you from?

Venice, FL

Current P.R.


Typical pace


Number of marathons



Executive Assistant

Favorite marathon



 Making jewelry and charms for runners

Favorite Running Food

Honey Stinger Gels

What are you reading now?

Catching Fire (Hunger Games)

Who do you train with?

Zoomers in Englewood, FL

Personal goals

3:30 marathon



A quotation you like…

Do what you think you can’t


Why do you run?


In the beginning it was the most efficient way to burn calories and lose weight.  Now I run to be able to participate in the great experiences and events running affords.

Describe your best marathon memory.


During the 2011 Fox Valley Marathon, running and seeing all of the family members on the sidelines cheering their runners on in the steady rain we had that day.  They were still so happy to be there supporting the runners – it made me realize what a great community we have as runners.

Why do you pace?


To help others achieve their goals

Tell us your best pacing experience.


Helping a new marathoner go “the furthest they have ever gone before” on a training run a few seasons ago.  And now seeing them become an experienced marathoner.  That makes me happy!

Why should someone run in your pace group?


I enjoy meeting other runners, hearing their stories, learning about why they are running this particular race and helping them meet their goals for the day.  Every race is different and I am excited to see how this one will unfold.

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Be willing to adjust your expectations.  On race day there are so many variables that come into play (nutrition, weather etc).  Run smart and embrace what your body has to give that day.


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