Pacer Jo

Where are you from?

Salina, Ut

Current P.R.

Half 1:38 Full 3:45

Typical pace


Number of marathons

14 ~ 143 Half marathons


Human Resources/Accounting

Favorite marathon



Anything active i.e. Hiking, Weightlifting, Racquetball, Softball, Boating, Paddleboarding, Skiing

Favorite Running Food

Shot bloks and Honey stinger waffles

What are you reading now?

Stronger Than The Dark ~ Cory Reese

Who do you train with?

Anyone who wants to run but mainly my little guy.

Personal goals

To be stronger than the day before ~ To run a half marathon in every state.



A quotation you like…


This too shall pass & The faster you go, the quicker its over!  

Why do you run?


I love the friendships I build while running and I love the feeling of peace it brings… clearing the mind and exhausting the body brings on a different kind of peace.

Describe your best marathon memory.


Running back to help friends cross the finish line or seeing them come back to help me finish. I love the bonds we create with each other!

Why do you pace?


I love pacing because its so rewarding to help others achieve their goals and I love to hear other people’s life stories. It also keeps me on track with my personal training.

Tell us your best pacing experience.


There are so many good experiences! My favorite has to be finishing my pace time and getting my group to the finish line and then going back to help others who have lost pace with their pacer and still encouraging them to keep it up! Most people just need to know someone is cheering for them and their confidence is restored. I love seeing the light in their eyes when they realize they can finish and that second wind kicks in!!

Why should someone run in your pace group?


I love having runners join my group because it’s a free 2 hour therapy session! They talk, I listen and before they know it, they’ve crossed the finish line with a new PR! Physically they’ve conquered something new and mentally they generally feel better too 😉

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Be ready to talk a lot or have me talk your ear off!

 Your training is over and now its time to enjoy the run!

Anything else you’d like to share?


Can’t wait to pace you on race day!! You got this!!

What philanthropic activities do you have?


I love being a part of anything that helps others. I play in a lot of charity softball tournaments, I am a part of charity biker rides and I love running races that are for a good cause as well.


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