Pacer Emeritus John 


Brunswick, OH


Current P.R.

3:17:10 (2005 Florida Gulf Beaches Marathon)

Where were you born?

Cleveland, OH


Number of marathons

24 and 5 ultras


July 24


Favorite marathon

Biased towards the Akron Marathon, because I am on the race committee.  But I’ve liked them all.

Typical pace

3:50 – 4:00


Favorite running music

Don’t run with music


Development Director for a  small software company


Favorite running food

It varies.  After a long run on a cold day, I always treat myself to a chai from Starbucks.

Any hobbies?

Besides running, I am the Finish Line Coordinator for the Akron Marathon, organize a single parents' group, chase after my two children (my son is 9, my daughter is 7), make tragi-comic attempts at home projects ("huh ... better get some more duct tape!"), and am a long-suffering Cleveland sports fan.


Who do you train with?

Usually my friend Matt.  We met on the trails five years ago and have logged thousands of miles since then.

Favorite book, what are you reading now?

Currently reading Joseph Hallinan's "Why We Make Mistakes".


A quotation you like…

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.  (T.S. Eliot)

Personal goals

Break 24 hours in a 100 mile race






Why do you run?


Because I’d be the size of a small house if I didn’t.


Describe your best marathon memory.


Cleveland Marathon, 2008.  During a race six weeks prior, a blood clot in my leg (which I did not know was there) broke apart and ended up as two clots in my lung.  I had to drop out, and was later hospitalized for five days.  I was lucky enough to be able to pick up training after I left the hospital (I ran six miles the day after I was discharged; when I told my doctor, he said “thanks for the stroke you just gave me”!), and was able to run Cleveland, finishing in 3:25. 


Why do you pace?


Because it’s fun to run in a group, and fun to help others reach their goals.


Tell us your best pacing experience.


It was actually a half-marathon – the 2009 Buckeye Half-Marathon.  I ran 13 miles at a relay race in Michigan the day before, drove home late that night, got about four hours of sleep, and paced that race the next morning.  We had a great time, and were right on target when we were stopped by a train (there were tracks less than a quarter-mile from the finish)!  You can’t help but laugh at something like that.


Why should someone run in your pace group?


Because I’ll do everything I can to help them reach their goal, and we’ll have a fun time doing it.


Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Know thyself.  Be realistic about your expectations, and adjust your plans if the day doesn’t break as you had hoped (like the 2009 Kentucky Derby Marathon, when it was 80+ degrees – you can’t control Mother Nature).  Most of all, have fun!  Nobody ever ran any faster when they had a frown on their face.


Anything else you’d like to share?

Nothing else for now.  See you at the start line!


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