Pacer Jonathan

Where are you from?

Kalamazoo, Michigan

Current P.R.


Typical pace

Depends on the run, but just standard “easy” runs are at about 7 minute pace.

Number of marathons



Business Banking Consultant-PNC Bank

Favorite marathon

Air Force Marathon


Running (duh), weightlifting, playing with my dog Flash.

Favorite Running Food

Pretzel M&Ms

What are you reading now?

Born to Run

Who do you train with?

EPIC Crew (group that we have created in the Kalamazoo area)

Personal goals




A quotation you like…


“Struggling and suffering are the essence of a life worth living. If you're not pushing yourself beyond the comfort zone, if you're not demanding more from yourself - expanding and learning as you go - you're choosing a numb existence. You're denying yourself an extraordinary trip.”-Dean Karnazes

Why do you run?


There are countless reasons why I run, to stay in shape, to alleviate stress, to stay focused throughout the day, to prove doubters wrong, and to challenge myself day in and day out for the rest of my life.

Describe your best marathon memory.


My best marathon memory was winning the 2011 North Country Trail Marathon.  I was just kind of running it for fun and was actually a bit surprised to learn that I had won.

Why do you pace?


I pace because I love seeing others meet their goals and anything I can do to aid in that makes me feel good.  Not only do I run to maintain my health, but also to encourage others to do so.  Everytime I am out there on the road, there are people driving by and I can only hope that I inspire some of those people to lace up their shoes and get out there.

Tell us your best pacing experience.


My best pacing experience was while pacing the Cleveland Marathon.  Myself and my co-pacer had lost everyone at about mile 21.  The extreme heat didn’t make matters any better.  Only one guy hung on, who was running his very first marathon.  We encouraged him to push ahead and he finished about 2 minutes ahead of our pace time at 3:13.  It was an amazing thing to see and he came up and thanked us after.

Why should someone run in your pace group?


People should run in my pace group, because I try my best to have a good time and keep your mind of the pain (yes marathons can be painful, especially if you are going all out). I like to make these races more stress free and just give what the day brings to you.  Sometimes being up tight and worrying too much about a race isn’t the best idea, just relax and execute!

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


If you have put in the training, run your goal time.  Be honest with yourself, because a marathon is a long way and if you haven’t trained properly, believe me it will show!


What philanthropic activities do you have?


Volunteering and Coaching when I am able to.


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