Pacer Jordan

Where are you from?

Saint Joseph, Illinois

Current P.R.


Typical pace

7:45 to 8:30 per mile

Number of marathons



Operations Manager of Manufacturing Facility

Favorite marathon

Christie Clinic!


Video games, trying new beer, traveling

Favorite Running Food

Chicken Alfredo Pasta

What are you reading now?

Wheel of Time series

Who do you train with?

Mostly alone or 2nd Wind

Personal goals

Run 2:40 in the marathon, Do more ultras



A quotation you like…

“Nobody cares, work harder” – Cam Hanes  To me this quote has a double meaning.  If you fail, nobody cares and the world keeps moving. Just work harder and give it another shot.  If you obtain your goal, nobody cares and the world keeps moving. Work harder and see how much you an achieve!


Why do you run?


I ran for sport in high school then stopped.  I began again around 2017 to try and get back in shape.  I now run to see what I am capable of and to set a good example for my son.

Describe your best marathon memory.


My favorite memory was set earlier this year at Bayshore.  I trained hard for about 6 months for that marathon specifically which led to more mental strength and confidence than I’ve ever had.  The finish was great but my favorite part of that race was when it got tough I was ready and I fought through.

Why do you pace?


To me, obtaining a running goal is a wonderful and unique feeling.  I’ve had wonderful experiences helping friends to their goals and get so much fulfillment out of helping others.

Tell us your best pacing experience.


Indy Monumental Half in 2018.  I helped my sister in law crush her 2:10 goal.  She did amazing and seeing her face when we crossed in 2:08 was something I’ll never forget.

Why should someone run in your pace group?


I’m very familiar with the course, I’m an extremely upbeat and positive person while running, and I’m fairly good at locking in a pace and keeping it steady.  I’ve also been picking the brain of some friends who have done official pacing before so I’ve picked up some tips and pointers beforehand.

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


We may slow down slightly heading up hills, but don’t worry we’ll resume pace across the top.  You slay a dragon at the head, not the tail.

There will be jokes and they will probably get worse and worse as the race goes on.

Anything else you’d like to share?


What philanthropic activities do you have?


My wife is very big on philanthropy and volunteering.  Officially pacing a race is me dipping my toes into volunteering with hopefully more to come!


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