Pacer Joyce


Where are you from?

Born in Iowa, live in Florida


Current P.R.



November 21


Number of marathons


Typical pace



Favorite marathon

The one I am doing




Favorite Running Food

Bagel w peanut butter before race, pizza after


Too busy running for hobbies


Who do you train with?

Anybody who will run with me!

Favorite book, what are you reading now?

Born to Run


A quotation you likeā€¦

Not act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

Personal goals

Do a marathon in under 4 hours, complete a 50 and 100 mile ultra, do  duathalon and triathalon






Why do you run?


To stay healthy, relieve stress and because I love it!


Describe your best marathon memory.


Helping a friend run a marathon and I started complimenting the bystanders and one of them said they thought I was delirious. Could have been because it was mile 24, I was skipping, and yelled that they  (a couple) looked MARVELOUS!


Why do you pace?


I like to see the happiness in someones face when they have achieved what they thought was unachievable. Priceless.


Tell us your best pacing experience.


The Albany Marathon in 2010


Why should someone run in your pace group?


Running should be fun and I would like to PROVE that!! I talk a lot and tend to get a little crazy during a run.


Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Never say never, we can do this!


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