Pacer Kaylee

Where are you from?

Cedar City Utah

Current P.R.

3:43:15 (2014)

Typical pace

8:30 min per mile to 12 min per mile

Number of marathons




Favorite marathon

Ogden and St.George


Scrapbooking, Hiking

Favorite Running Food


What are you reading now?

Behavior Book

Who do you train with?

anyone I can find that is crazy enough to go long miles!

Personal goals

Eventually Qualify for Boston

A quotation you like…

“If it is to be it is up to me!”

Why do you run?

Stay in shape and for my mental/emotional/physical health

Describe your best marathon memory.

I just felt so great, I could feel the Spirit of God and felt up-lifted and excited. That was one of my best marathon times ever, St. George 2014. I got a 3:43:15.

Why do you pace?

I only just began pacing but it is a BLAST! I enjoy pushing other runners to accomplish their goals.

Tell us your best pacing experience.

My first one, is my only one. But I was ON TIME and that made me so happy! There weren’t many that stayed with me consistently but it was still fun cheering everyone on along the way.

Why should someone run in your pace group?

I like to make it fun and stay on pace. I enjoy talking to others and getting to know new people.

Any tips for runners about to join your group?

Stay with us if you want that time I guess!

Anything else you’d like to share?


What philanthropic activities do you have?

Pacing is probably my favorite so far! I do enjoy teaching others skills.


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