Pacer Kerilyn 

Where are you from?

Chicago, IL


Current P.R.

4:13 marathon


May 17


Number of marathons


Typical pace

Paced 5 hour marathon


Favorite marathon

New York City Marathon


Software Engineer


Favorite Running Food



Soccer refereeing


Who do you train with?

Currently my friend Corinne and my dog Max

Favorite book, what are you reading now?

Just finished “The Confession” and “Little Bee”


A quotation you like…

That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”  Friedrich Nietzsche

Personal goals

Break 4 hours for a marathon






Why do you run?


I use running to stay healthy and fit enough to run after my nieces.



Describe your best marathon memory.


During the New York City marathon, I dedicated each of the 26 miles to different individuals.  I ran the last mile for my dog, Max, because he was my training partner through all the rough morning and late evening workouts.  He never quits!


Why do you pace?


I love running and enjoy when others do too.  It is fun to see and help others reach their running goals!  


Tell us your best pacing experience.


When I paced the Miami marathon a woman ran in the pace group from start to finish.  She encouraged others along the course but the best was her excitement at the finish; it was so much fun!  She could not believe she had just run 26 miles!


Why should someone run in your pace group?


I am an experienced runner who keeps a consistent pace.  I love hearing about what makes others start running and what keeps them going.  I love to laugh and have a good time.


Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Be ready for encouragement and fun while we finish within our goal time!!!



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