Pacer Lori

Where are you from?

Born in Buffalo NY but currently living in Baltimore


Current P.R.



Number of marathons

20+ (many more to come!)

Typical pace

8min is my comfy pace.


Favorite marathon

Space Coast


Registered Dietitian


Favorite Running Food

Before a race – Sugar Free Red Bull and bananas.

During a race - Espresso Gu

Afterwards – Vegetable topped pizza and diet coke.


Cooking – I love eating fresh, cooked from scratch foods.


Who do you train with?

I’m mostly a solo runner but group runs help push my speed.

Favorite book, what are you reading now?

Born to Run was a truly inspiring book.  Right now I am reading ‘Advanced Marathoning’


A quotation you like…

“The pain of discipline is nothing compared to the pain of regret. “

Personal goals

I want a sub 3 hr marathon.  Also to break into ultra running.






Why do you run?


There’s no feeling like a runner’s high!! 

Seriously, running lets me clear my head and enjoy my surroundings. There is nothing that will put me in a better mood than a long run.


Describe your best marathon memory.


Looking back, it was the spectators shouting out ‘Go girl go, you’re 3rd female!’.  How cool. Though at the time, I was thinking ‘don’t say that!! Its too early to hear that!!’


Why do you pace?


It’s a wonderful experience. I get to help others meet their goals and while inspiring them to keep running.  Plus it is completely fun to soak in the scenery for 26.2 miles without actually racing.


Tell us your best pacing experience.


At Palm Beach Marathon, a lady in my group was going for a big PR. While running, she told me what an accomplishment this was for her, since she had completely quit smoking and drinking. She used running to turn her life around!  It inspires me to hear others stories of triumphs.


Why should someone run in your pace group?


I have a lot of energy and beware, its contagious!  I will smile and chat the entire 26.2 miles and you will get to the finish on time.


Any tips for runners about to join your group?


I will not walk through water stations, so plan ahead.

I will smile and chat the entire time J I suggest leaving the IPOD at home and subject yourself to my infectious optimism. 


Anything else you’d like to share?

Run with me! Haha. I love to run want you to love it too. So come out and do a race with me!



What philanthropic activities do you have?

Volunteering at races is great fun and they need the help! 

A running friend once told me to run with someone faster than myself once a week, then pay it forward by pacing someone slower than me once a week.  Not only is it sound training advice, but it feels great to help motivate other runners.  




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