Pacer Michele 


Cleveland (although I still consider Natick, Massachusetts home)


Current P.R.

2:56:58 Marine Corps, 1987  (masters PR is 3:35, Flying Pig, 2004 and St. George, 2008)

Where were you born?

Boston, Massachusetts


Number of marathons



Favorite marathon

Boston or Big Sur

Typical pace



Favorite running music

70s Rock




Favorite running food


Any hobbies?

Besides running? Swimming, Tennis, Cycling


Who do you train with?

Great group of professional moms like myself – thanks Sally, Karla, Melanie and Jody

Favorite book, what are you reading now?

Born to Run


A quotation you like…

"God Determines how fast you're going to run. I can only help with the mechanics." -- Bill Bowerman

Personal goals

Complete a marathon in all 50 states






Why do you run?


To stay healthy, feel good and set an example for my teenage daughter


Describe your best marathon memory.


The first time that I ran Boston as an official entrant was like no other.  There I was running the Boston Marathon with a number - following in the footsteps of Johnny Kelly, Bill Rodgers and Alberto Salazar, and my hometown was going to cheer for me!


Why do you pace?


Love to share my love of running with others.  There is nothing more rewarding than helping a runner meet their goals!


Tell us your best pacing experience.


Helping a 59 yr old woman meet her PR goal at Fargo as part of her goal to run 60 marathons before her 60th birthday


Why should someone run in your pace group?


Because no one else will dance at mile 23 – believe me.


Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Just let me sweat the details.  We are going to make this fun – no matter what!


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