Pacer Rick and 1st timer Pedro at the 2016 Miami Marathon

 Pacer Rick at the Ann Arbor Marathon

  Pacer Rick


Where are you from?

West Bloomfield, MI


Current P.R.


Number of marathons

30+, 6-Ultra, 2-Ironman


Typical pace



Favorite marathon

Road- Boston, Trail- Mohican 100


Process Engineer - Automotive


Favorite Running Food

Training – Clif bars and Honey Stingers, Post long run- Greek omelet


Travel, Skiing, Scuba Diving, Mountain Biking, Running, Triathlon


Who do you train with?

Running Fit West Bloomfield, Friends, Coworkers

Favorite book

Pillars of the Earth – Ken Follett



A quotation you like…

“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right!”

Henry Ford

Personal goals

Finish the Western States 100, Qualify for the Kona Ironman, Run into my later years and keep enjoying it!






Why do you run?


Primarily the challenge, I like testing my capability of running farther or faster. I have found that running has been a great break from the everyday grind. The health benefits, short term and long term are also a major benefit. I have really developed an appreciation for the endurance sport lifestyle.


Describe your best marathon memory.


Finishing the Mohican 100. The race was a great adventure, the scenery was tremendous and the course was an incredible challenge. Crossing the finish line and sharing the moment with about 20 running friends was one of those memories you don’t forget.


Why do you pace?


I enjoy sharing the running experience. It is gratifying helping others have a great race experience. When a runner comments that the pace group helped them finish, have a good race, reach a PR or qualify for Boston with a smile that doesn’t fade, it is a great reward.



Tell us your best pacing experience.


There have been several runners that didn’t believe that they could achieve their race goal. When those runners cross the finish line ahead of their goal their experience and the pacing experience is phenomenal.


Why should someone run in your pace group?


I will try to keep a steady pace, encourage, keep it fun and hope to get as many as possible to their goals on race day.


Any tips for runners about to join your group?


On race day, trust your training, run smart, hydrate, and above all believe in yourself.




What philanthropic activities do you have?


Donate to Cancer charities, and United Way charities.



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