Pacer Stacey and her daughter Danielle at the Torch Run

  Pacer Stacey


Where are you from?

Coggon, Iowa


Current P.R.

4:26 full, 1:58 half, 24:50 5K


May 31


Number of marathons


Typical pace

Short 7:30 long 9-10min


Favorite marathon

St. Louis


Mom, Preschool teacher, Parent Educator


Favorite Running Food

Roctane/everything else when done


Swimming, skiing


Who do you train with?

Whoever will

Favorite book, what are you reading now?

Mostly read children books-Giving Tree and I Love you Stinky Face, Llama Llama Red Pajama and all Pallotta books


A quotation you like…

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world” Ghandi Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you DO IT.” Ghandi” Your children are not yours”…Gibran Kahil

Personal goals

To run a 4 hour marathon






Why do you run?


Love it


Describe your best marathon memory.


My first-my husband and girls were at finish line.




What philanthropic activities do you have?

Help with Hospital Hill, Annual 5k and Half for Harvesters (food bank), Kids Run, Kids Triathlon, Help with a Tribute Triathlon, helping families



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