Pacer Steve


Wauwatosa, Wisconsin


Current P.R.


Where were you born?

Milwaukee, WI


Number of marathons



Feb 20


Favorite marathon

Marine Corps Marathon

Typical pace

9:00 training


Favorite running music

Don’t run with music


Business Owner


Favorite running food

Sports beans, orange slices

Any hobbies?

Running, flying


Who do you train with?

Badgerland Striders

Personal goals

Stay healthy, keep running


A quotation you like…

Everything you need to know about yourself, you’ll learn in 26.2 miles








Why do you run?


Fitness, friendships, stress relief


Describe your best marathon memory.


Qualifying for Boston the first time after many tries


Why do you pace?


Pacers have helped me a lot, I’m glad to return the favor


Why should someone run in your pace group?


I’ll try to make it fun


Any tips for runners about to join your group?


You’ve already done the hard work, now enjoy the day


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