Pacer Tami


Where are you from?

Aurora, OH

Current P.R.


Typical pace

9:00 min pace

Number of marathons



Director, Service Excellence

Favorite marathon



Anything outdoors, let’s you be a kid

Favorite Running Food

Fig Newtons

What are you reading now?

Text books!

Who do you train with?

Various People

Personal goals

Running a marathon in every state and finishing my PhD



A quotation you like…

Tough times don’t last but tough people do.



Why do you run?


Running is my peace.

Describe your best marathon memory.


Qualifying for the Boston Marathon. I was supposed to qualify at Myrtle Beach Marathon but they cancelled the marathon due to two inches of snow. Quitting was not an option so I convinced the airlines to find me a seat to Augusta GA to run the Snickers Marathon. I was three weeks out again so I had to fly home from Myrtle Beach and the next day run another 20 miler and retaper. It was the hardest thing mentally to have to wait another three weeks after I felt ready in Myrtle Beach, but I did it and I qualified!

Why do you pace?


I love to help others achieve their goals.

Tell us your best pacing experience.


I pace my cousin who never ran a marathon in her life. She wanted to do it for her 30th birthday. We ran the Grand Canyon Marathon together and it was amazing to watch the transformation she had during the marathon. It was one of the hardest things she ever accomplished.

Why should someone run in your pace group?


I am fun, entertaining, and can talk the entire way. I will encourage you and help you reach your goal. I will never give up on you!

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Just know the goal is to finish and enjoy the experience.


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