Pacer Austin

Where are you from?

Waukee, IA  (Des Moines area)

Current P.R.


Typical pace


Number of marathons



Technology Analyst

Favorite marathon

Indianapolis Monumental


Family, running, writing (Chipstrat), and I play electric guitar in our church worship band

Favorite Running Food

Before: Banana, Bagel
During: Maurten
After: Brisket, beer, pizza


What are you reading now?

Technology books, Bible in a year, parenting books

Who do you train with?

Mostly solo but we have local, informal Waukee Running Club that meets Saturday mornings

Personal goals

Run another marathon PR eventually and feel as good as one can in the process :)



A quotation you like…

Just run, baby!

Why do you run?

I can’t imagine not running! I feel better mentally and physically when I run. There’s something about being outside and moving my body for an extended period that can’t be beat. And who knows how long I’ll be able to, so I try to enjoy it every day that I can.

Describe your best marathon memory.

The first few miles of every marathon are the best. I love the excitement of race day and the feeling of starting the race with hundreds or thousands of other runners.

Why do you pace?

It’s rewarding to help others, and it’s a great motivation to get out and run regardless of weather and life — others are counting on me!

Tell us your best pacing experience.

I’ve only paced once — the first 20mi of a marathon on very short notice. Afterward, several let me know my pacing helped them to PRs that day — nothing better than that! Pacing was a lot of fun and something I want to continue.

Why should someone run in your pace group?

I’ll help you stay within yourself the first 2 hours, and will encourage you to dig deep and hang with us the rest of the way!

Any tips for runners about to join your group?

Don’t hesitate to ask me any questions before or during the race!

Anything else you’d like to share?

I’m a bit hard of hearing so feel free to talk loud at me :)

What philanthropic activities do you have?

Play guitar and lead a small group at church


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