Steamtown Marathon

October 12, 2025

Scranton, Pennsylvania


3:35 GOAL FINISH TIME (8:12/Mile)    Pacer Justyna

3:45 GOAL FINISH TIME (8:35/Mile)   Pacer Tony

 3:55 GOAL FINISH TIME (8:58/Mile)   Pacer Craig 

  4:00 GOAL FINISH TIME (9:09/Mile)  Pacer Minnie

4:10 GOAL FINISH TIME (9:33/Mile) Pacer Dan

4:20 GOAL FINISH TIME (9:55/Mile)    Pacer Michael

4:30 GOAL FINISH TIME (10:18/Mile)  Pacer Kat

4:40 GOAL FINISH TIME (10:41/Mile)    Pacer Rebekah

5:00 GOAL FINISH TIME (11:27/Mile)   Pacer Mike

6:00 GOAL FINISH TIME (13:44/Mile)  Pacer Jim

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