Pacer Berton

Where are you from?

Austin, Texas

Current P.R.


Typical pace

Racing 8:00, Training 9:00

Number of marathons

15 marathons, 12 ultramarathons


Retired (which means more time to run)…I’m also trying to figure out what to do when and if I grow up…Suggestions?

Favorite marathon



Photography, home improvements and growing orchids

Favorite Running Food

Others run for beer…I run for Gummi Bears

What are you reading now?

I am always reading 3 or 4 books at the same time.  The current running book that I am reading is Born to Run by Christopher McDougall.

Who do you train with?

I train with a gal that lives 1500 miles away from me.  We are in constant contact encouraging each other and then race together often.

Personal goals

The Grand Slam of Ultramarathoning: 4 of the oldest 100 mile races in the same year.  I’d also like to qualify for Kona for Triathlons.



A quotation you like…

Success is the reward of toil… Sophocles.   Running is a great example of the more effort one puts in the more likely they are to see improvements in their performance.


Why do you run?


I started running simply because I enjoy it.  I recently became a Cancer survivor.   While I continue to run because I still enjoy it, I added using running as a positive influence for healing and by reminding myself that I have control of my body and that it has many great achievements left in it.

Describe your best marathon memory.


My running partner and I went to New Orleans to make yet another Boston Qualifying attempt.  I stopped 400 yards from the finish with cramps and throwing up.  The 3:30 pace group lead saw me and told me to get my butt going.  I qualified with a minute to spare then I waited 15 mins for my partner to come in and she also qualified with a minute to spare. 

Why do you pace?


I truly enjoy seeing and helping folks achieve their goals and sharing the love of running that I have with others.    

Tell us your best pacing experience.


Each race brings a new set of friends and stories. 

Why should someone run in your pace group?


 I’ve come a long way to run with you…don’t let me run aloneJ…I believe in running 30 secs to 1 minute faster than the goal.  A lot can happen at the end and some courses may be a little longer than expected.  I, your training, your fortitude, the energy of the crowds, loved ones and running gods will get you to the finish line.

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Drink, eat and take salt continually through the race.  Most beginners forget this.

Anything else you’d like to share?

Remember that even if you have trained well, there is a little bit of luck involved in the weather, stomach issues, etc… Don’t let any single bump stop you from achieving your goal…adapt.


What philanthropic activities do you have?

I am very fortunate to be able to run and want to give back.  So, each year I make my longest race one focused on raising money for American Cancer Society and Alzheimer’s.



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