Pacer Daniel

Where are you from?

Queens, NY

Current P.R.


Typical pace

7-8 mins

Number of marathons



Financial Services

Favorite marathon



Ex-running: graphic design, reading, and improving my cooking skills

Favorite Running Food

Skratch Chews

What are you reading now?

Braiding Sweetgrass – Robin Wall Kimmerer

Who do you train with?

Run with various clubs in NYC, as well as solo efforts

Personal goals

Run 50 states, eventually dabble in ultras

A quotation you like…

How you do anything is how you do everything”

Why do you run?

To better understand myself, to decompress, and to find and push my own limits

Describe your best marathon memory.

2022 Indianapolis Monumental Marathon – my first sub-3 and BQ, in abysmal conditions of rain and 15+ mph winds (gusts up to 30mph). To be able to achieve my first sub-3/BQ in such sub-par conditions gave me the mental confidence to chase down my goals

Why do you pace?

I caught and ran with the 3:00 hr pace group in 2022 Indianapolis Marathon, and stuck with them for the latter half of the race. The pacer did an excellent job and I was able to hang on with the pack despite fatigue and sub-par conditions. I’m not sure I would have achieved the same result without him and the group. I want to now give back to the community, and help others achieve their goals

Tell us your best pacing experience.

My first – Jersey City Marathon – I am forever thankful for all the pace coordinators (past and future) for giving me a chance to pace and entrust me to guide fellow runners

Why should someone run in your pace group?

I have successfully hit the paces and times in all of my paced marathons – I’ll help you execute your best race

Any tips for runners about to join your group?

Don’t go out too fast! Draft and stay in a pace group pack for the early miles to avoid expending energy to weave through the crowd


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