Pacer Dave

Where are you from?

Schaumburg, IL


Current P.R.



May 16, 1974


Number of marathons


Typical pace



Favorite marathon

Chicago Marathon


Materials Coordinator


Favorite Running Food

Peanut Butter-filled Pretzels


Fitness Instructor


Who do you train with?

Dick Pond Fast Track Racing Team

Favorite book, what are you reading now?

Coaching Cross Country Successfully by Joe Newton


A quotation you like…

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, character is really who you are and reputation is merely what others think you are.

Personal goals

Ultramarathon gamer and sub-17:00 5K






Why do you run?


I’ve been blessed with some talent, great friendships through running and an unbelievably supportive family and wife.  I’ve also lost 74 lbs. since beginning running in 2000.


Describe your best marathon memory.


Chicago Marathon 2003


Why do you pace?


My sister Ann paced me @ my first half marathon in 2001.  I shot by hundreds of runners in the last mile because she kept me relaxed, steady even splits.  The feeling of seemingly flying like a jet for that last mile is something I love to push others to do if I’m able to keep those I’m pacing at no stress mentally or physically.


Tell us your best pacing experience.


Chicago Half Marathon ’10.  1:30:00 pacer.  Group of 14-20 pack of runners and we were going bananas @ the finish line as almost all of them ran big PR’s.


Why should someone run in your pace group?


I’ve also been blessed with an ability to motivate people.


Any tips for runners about to join your group?


I will be loud and out-spoken in last mile of the race.


Anything else you’d like to share?

Thank all race-day volunteers, the race wouldn’t be much fun at all if we all had to carry water bottles the entire race.



What philanthropic activities do you have?

Created and coach a grassroots racing/training team in the suburbs or Chicago… Dick Pond Fast Track Racing Team…




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