Pacer Jennifer
Where are you from? |
Orlando, FL |
Current P.R. |
1:38:37 / 3:31:05 |
Typical pace |
Half 7:40 Full 8:15 |
Number of marathons |
11 |
Occupation |
Construction Project Manager |
Favorite marathon |
26.2 with Donna or MCM |
Hobbies |
Running/Motivating |
Favorite Running Food |
Potato, PB&J |
What are you reading now? |
26.2 Miles to Boston |
Who do you train with? |
My Running group has over 200 runners – partners vary |
Personal goals |
Continue to get better – 3:15 marathon. Help others reach their goals |
A quotation you like… |
May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live |
Why do you run?
Feels great and gets me out among the most down to earth people you would ever want to meet. Runners are a different breed and I love their carefree, yet determined attitudes. |
Describe your best marathon memory.
26.2 with Donna; The National Breast Cancer Marathon. This is still my favorite marathon. Maybe because it was the first time I ran a qualifying time for Boston; but more likely I ran a qualifying time because I had such a blast running this course. The community support was overwhelming. The cause is dear to my heart and my running group had over 35 people running this race with many attempting their first 26.2 or 13.1 and accomplishing their goals with a vengeance! The entire race feel was what you would expect at a large race but with a community feel like no other. I often refer back to this run on my more challenging races to give me the confidence to dig deep and be the strong runner I found myself to be that day. |
Why do you pace?
Running is not just about racing. I run because it feels good and I want to share that feeling with others. I have found running in a group that shares a common goal, in this case a timed goal, creates camaraderie difficult to find anywhere else in only 4 hours. Some fall short of their goal and other forge forward without my help and exceed their expectations. Both of the later groups made it where they did because of the pacing and the fellowship shared while they ran together. The runners that cross together at their stated pace are the most appreciative people you will ever see and now possess a confidence to further their running accomplishments on their own. It’s an amazing feeling to be a part of that. An amazing feeling to think you just helped someone do what they imagined was unthinkable. |
Tell us your best pacing experience.
While pacing in Jacksonville this past December, the 4:15 pace group that I led had no less than 15 people from the start. A gentleman announced he would run with us to hold back until he felt ready to surge ahead in search of a 4:00. He didn’t trust pace groups therefore didn’t want to run with the 4:00 group. He had his reasons and his strategy was set so all I could do was welcome him to the group and enjoy the company while he felt he needed us. That only lasted about 4 miles. His surge came early and he took off toward his ultimate goal of four hours. For the next 14 miles we ran and laughed and learned about each other. A few from the group dropped off and we picked up a few more, always keeping a constant number of runners. As we picked up new runners we took turns learning their stories and they immediately felt like they started with us at mile zero. Around mile 18 we came across a man running sluggishly and our group shouted out terms of encouragement as we did often through our journey. It was the same gentleman that was hoping for a 4 hour marathon. He was struggling. We slowed to pick him up and he ran with us until mile 20 until he just couldn’t muster the pace any further. Reluctantly we had to say our goodbyes as we were still on pace and the group could not be sacrificed for one runner no matter how much we wanted to see him through to the finish. The group was 12 when we crossed the finish at 4:13:39. Hugs around the group and more as we saw others finish in the next 2 minutes and then there he came around the track, so close to a 4:30, but over and finishing at 4:31:12. Trying for a 4 hour marathon, he started with the 4:15 group and got passed by the 4:30 group! After catching his breath, the gentleman that so courageously left my pace group at mile 4, confided in me that his previous P.R. (Personal Record) was 4:22. He now feels, had he stayed with us, he would have finished with the group and PR’d by 9 minutes! That would have been amazing. He swore, next time he attempted 26.2, he would run with a pace group that was more his pace and never leave their side! It’s exciting to watch people meet their goals and it is exciting watching someone understand and appreciate what a pace group can do for them! |
Why should someone run in your pace group?
The lofty goals set by a marathon runner can be daunting. 26.2 is a psychological run. Running with my pace group is like a fun training run with friends. No psychology, no stress, just running a beautiful course at the pace you have already practiced…just a little longer than you might be used to. You don’t have to look at your watch. Hell, you don’t even need your watch! Just set your goal, join my group and we will run you in at your anticipated time without a second thought. |
Any tips for runners about to join your group?
Be realistic about your goals. If you are running an 8 minute 10k, don’t expect a 1:45 half marathon or a 3:30 marathon. Know your limits but test them slightly. Be ready for an amazing journey that will challenge you but not stress you to burnout. Remember your best training run and be ready to duplicate that feeling knowing your goals are within reach and only 26.2 or 13.1 miles away! |
Anything else you’d like to share? |
Racing used to leave me sleepless the nights preceding the event. I was anxious and apprehensive about always reaching a P.R. (Personal Record). A moment hit me and I cannot pinpoint when exactly, that I realized I am a great runner. Not because of my personal records, not because of my past races, but because I continue to get out there even after bad races (in my mind!). I continue to face my fears and insecurities about racing and I don’t always win. At the end of the day I ask myself; “Did I give it everything I had?” “Did I run the best race I could?” Invariably, that answer is always Yes! That satisfies me. Come race day, there are no further doubts to be had. You have done everything in your power to prepare and now it’s just time to run! |
What philanthropic activities do you have? |
As the President of two running clubs that I founded with the help of others, I am constantly motivating new runners to stay in the game as well as veterans to ward off burnout. A 5k, a half or a marathon, maybe an ultra? Whatever distance is right for you, it is my pleasure to support and encourage the running of others. Never have I been witness to more happiness than runners doing what they love…running!